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We are running for Bev!

Hey everyone, as you all know 23rd June would’ve been my mums birthday.

The Eastbourne 10k is on this date and lots of mums family and friends are running in her memory including myself. We would love to raise money for her favourite charity The Ben McNicol Trust in her honour!

We would really appreciate any donations and thank you for supporting our family through this time.

All my love Ella xxx

Make a donation to the Ben McNicol Trust

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Loving Bev

Bev’s joyful and boundless energy inspired and supported so many.
We are consoled that Bev’s extraordinary love will always be with us.

Let us remember and celebrate Bev for she won at the game of life

I believe that when your life is profoundly touched by another’s soul, that their magic never leaves you. You will always find them in the moments and memories of your life, and they will lift you up.

In our recent lowest moments of sadness, we have been repeatedly lifted by kind words and acts of family and friends alike, an outcome of Bev’s full life well lived.

“Don’t stop me now” by Queen was one of Bev’s favourite songs. On my way to see our new granddaughter for the first time, they played it on the radio. Bev lifting us up like she did countless students and people.

Sit with her in your quite mindful calm and she will be with you. Learn to look for her in the moments and memories of your life and Bev will lift you up.

Every minute of your life is priceless and will never be repeated. Make time for the walks, hugs, kisses, chats, laughs, songs, dances, games etc. Fill your life with enjoyment where you can. Take time to enjoy, be grateful for and celebrate your existence.

Let us remember and celebrate Bev for she won at the game of life.
She loved to play a game and loved to celebrate.

Andrew Bell

"Bev genuinely and deeply touched the lives of so many people and was a much cherished and loved colleague to us. The impact she had on thousands of students over the years cannot be overstated. She was one of the finest and most dedicated teachers that we have ever had the pleasure of working with and leaves an irreparable hole in our lives. Bev’s kindness, energy, passion and drive was so unique and is something I will forever remember."

Rebecca Conroy

CEO & Principal East Sussex College

A Message from Bev's Parents

Our hearts are broken. A truly amazing, wonderful daughter has been taken from us far too soon.

Bev filled our lives with love, energy and endless fun. All your amazing cards and messages have lifted us - we always knew Bev was a total superstar - you have confirmed it. We look forward to seeing you all at The Winter Garden on the 2nd March.

Gina, John & Chris x

My beautiful, one of a kind, superstar, magical legend of a mother

Words fail me as I write this, 23 and a half years was not long enough to have with you, but I’m so lucky so so lucky and proud to call myself your daughter. You brought life, soul and laughter to every inch of my life and everyone else’s around you. My best friend, giggle buddy and everything in between. I just hope I’m half as great as a mum as you to my daughter who’s presence is imminent, and I would be so lucky for my daughter to have your zest for life. The hole in our hearts will never be filled.

I love you Mum

Ella x

Welcome Phoebe Beverley Dunn

Ella and Chris announced the arrival of Bev’s first granddaughter on 21 January 2024.

The family are doing well and so far Phoebe has been as angelic as her Nannabell Bev.

I was very lucky to call Bev my mum and what a special mum she was.

What made mum so special is she wasn’t just an amazing mother, she was an outstanding teacher, she was the bestest of friends and was the most selfless and caring soul I’ve ever known. She would drop anything for anyone she cared about if they needed her. Whatever my hobbies were, were mums hobbies too. She spent countless hours with me playing football, tennis, Xbox. We were so close and without fail every single one of our conversations had at least a smile, giggle or uncontrollable laughter. Love and laughter is what made my relationship with my mum so strong.

No one will ever amount to Mum and this will forever leave a massive hole forever but our memories and times together will never be forgotten.

I love you Mum

Jed x

Bev Outdoors

Bev loved the outdoor opportunities living in Eastbourne offers.

Happy hours at Gina and Ray’s beachfront home in Pevensey Bay nurtured a love of sea sports: from sailing and paddle boarding to cold dips with the Pevensey Plungers. Her enjoyment of cycling and running led inevitably to Triathlon! The arrival of the family’s dog Lucky gave Bev more opportunities to share her love of Eastbourne when they walked the Downs and played on the beach.

Teacher Bev

Bev was an inspirational and respected teacher and touched the lives of so many people. Here are just a few of the tributes she has received.

Read the tributes

Always in our hearts

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What happened to Bev?

Bev suddenly fell unconscious when she arrived to swim with friends at a lake.

Despite the best efforts of those friends and prompt medical intervention, Bev did not regain consciousness and her heart stopped in hospital.

We have been reassured that the brain haemorrhage diagnosed as the cause was such that Bev would not have suffered. She had a history of high blood pressure.

Bev's Favourite Charity

Bev’s association with The Ben McNicol Trust comes from Jed’s friendship with Ben’s older brother Tom.

Ben died of brain cancer in 2012 aged 6.  The family friendship has continued and this photo was taken when Bev, Ella and Jed visited Ben’s family in Australia where they now live.

The Ben McNicol Trust

The purpose of The Ben McNicol Trust is to help children with cancer and their families.

We are raising money to fund running costs of Ben's House, bought by The Ben McNicol Trust close to The Royal Marsden near London for families to stay in whilst children undergo treatment and investigations.

Find out more about the Trust Make a donation
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